[This is a continuation from a previous post]. In the following post, I will address Saturn in Gemini and Sagittarius, Saturn in 3rd House and 9th House, and Saturn in aspect to Mercury (the planetary ruler of Gemini) and Jupiter (the planetary ruler of Sagittarius):
Saturn in Gemini:
The structure of consciousness is formed around the notions of “curiosity” and “linear comprehension”. If Saturn is functioning in a healthy manner, consciousness will be structured based on “observation” and “multiplicity” of ideas, rather than “consistency” and “focused” insight. The flexibility of perception would be the “default” context through which conscious life is understood.
The conscious mind would tend to organize the whole sphere of mundane experience in reference to various viewpoints and “trial and error” technique, as it seems that the evolutionary path of the individual would encourage a certain level of mental flexibility, and thus a constantly-shifting outlook based on an awareness of connections and relations which exist between things in the outside world.
Difficulties of Saturn in Gemini:
If Saturn is not functioning comfortably, the individual may become mentally “rigid” or trapped in his or her own “labeling” process of new things or concepts. As the archetype of Gemini is also connected to language development, the individual with an uncomfortable Saturn here may lack an ability to go beyond the literal in order to get to the essential meaning. In this case, the individual may be an excellent writer or orator, yet unable to deliver anything of substance.
Alternatively, a tendency to engage oneself with the “surface” of things may marginalize the importance of delving deep and getting to the bottom of issues when necessary. In this case, it is important to be aware of such a “horizontal” conscious mechanism which predominantly functions based on “references” and “connections” between variables on the “surface”.
Such a conscious structure may be largely oblivious to the “vertical” dimension (in contrast to Saturn in Scorpio, desiring to go “down” to reach the “bottom line”), and may thus “miss out” on the non-horizontal facets of life, which may reside below the “surface” of linguistic codification and intellectual classification. An appropriate example would be a mathematician who does hundreds of arithmetical calculations effortlessly, yet cannot grasp the “symbolic” dimension of numbers as depicted in numerology.
Saturn in Third House:
There is a “deliberation” in the way one communicates his or her views. One may write with an inordinate care with regards to one’s choice of words, grammar or punctuation. One may speak slowly, or alternatively, may prefer listening to speaking. There may exist a desire to “structure” one’s world around abstract ideas, especially whatever that can be expressed through language, be it one’s own native tongue or other means of communication. The individual may feel obliged to learn more skills, and yet the process of acquiring those skills may be quite slow and time-consuming.
If Saturn is comfortable in the Third House, one can develop a highly-effective “manner” of communication, or even start teaching various skills (especially mental or manual ones) to a variety of people. In this case, one can actually hone one’s skills through training others who want to learn those skills.
Alternatively, one may prefer learning experiences which are more “structured”, formal or based on long-term planning (such as enrolling in an academic course) rather than “spontaneous” and short-term exposure to knowledge. One’s communicative style may be minimalistic or plain, yet succinct and efficient. One may also have a knack for classification and codification of information in a logical, linear manner.
Difficulties of Saturn in Third House:
If Saturn is not comfortable, the individual may feel impeded in conveying what he or she really wants or means. In this case, speaking, writing or communicating may feel like a challenge, or the individual may become a “perfectionist” about his or her manner of connecting to the outside world. One may write and re-write an article or a speech ten times and still not feel satisfied with the results.
The same “perfectionism” may also exist with regards to creative outlets, such as filming, drawing or designing. In this case, one can be one’s own worst critic, and regardless of how much time and effort has gone into a project, the whole thing may be dismantled many times.
Alternatively, projects may get started but never completed, because the individual feels obliged to learn “more” information about the subject matter as he or she proceeds. As there is no limit to any category of information in our digital world, such a quest may become life-long and the individual may still feel that he or she is not “ready” enough to bring the quest to culmination.
Evolutionary Path of Saturn in Third House:
The evolutionary path for an individual with Saturn in the Third House seems to include a release of mental “perfectionism”, and a re-evaluation of the limits of “knowledge” which can be acquired by the human mind in the limited course of one life. Meditation upon the impossibility of knowing it all may be quite helpful and trusting that “what one knows is all that one needs” in any moment to make a change for better in one’s life or the life of others.
Therefore, with this configuration, one has to move from “knowledge without application” to “doing what one can”, as has been beautifully uttered in Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest.”
Saturn in Aspect to Mercury:
With the planet of “consciousness” in aspect to the planet of “communication”, one’s conscious perception of the world will largely depend on the amount of “information” one receives or processes. As the concepts of “excellence” (Saturn) and “expression” (Mercury) are linked in the psyche of the individual, one may be quite “deliberate” with regards to how one communicates, either orally, or in written form.
Handwriting may be quite neat (with letter size tending to be smaller than average) and one may be quite frugal with the number of words one chooses to express an idea. The individual with this configuration may also believe that the most powerful means of communication is “silence”, or that if one cannot express oneself correctly, it will be better to stay quiet. One may also tend to “judge” oneself and others based on the degree of “eloquence” and “verbal mastery” rather than intrinsic qualities which cannot be displayed in absence of words.
If Saturn is comfortable in this position, one may feel a constant conscious desire to learn or to improve one’s manner of communicating, especially in a formal or structured manner. This aspect is also classically known to bestow a phenomenal memory, especially with regards to words, numbers or visual symbols. Mathematics, History, and Rhetoric are often areas of interest for people with Mercury and Saturn in comfortable association with each other.
Novelists who manage to write hundreds of pages of fiction without losing track of all the numerous events they have fabricated or multiple aspects they have developed for each character, as well as their readers who manage to patiently follow a long and elaborate storyline, usually have Mercury and Saturn in collaborative association with each other.
Difficulties of Saturn in aspect to Mercury:
If Saturn and Mercury are not comfortable, one may experience a degree of “shyness” or “hesitation” in expressing oneself or may develop a rather “narrow” point of view (though quite “focused”) or “slow” manner of dealing with new information. There, in fact, may exist a resistance towards whatever that is “innovative” or “experimental”, which can make the individual lose impetus for changing course if things are not quite working well.
At times, the presence of Saturn in an uncomfortable association with Mercury may also symbolize a social or communicative disorder, a “melancholic” streak, or a mind that is prone to fall prey to unnecessary worries every now and then. It is, therefore, vital for individuals with this configuration to understand that although one cannot control the content of one’s mind, one can definitely choose what thought to pursue and what thought to ignore.
It is ultimately a choice of free will to either indulge every single negative thought that comes and goes, or to simply fly above the habitual guilt-inducing or criticizing voices in one’s head and be completely free of the endless and, at times, mischievous games of the mind.
“Father Complex” of Saturn in Association with Gemini, 3rd House or Mercury:
Saturn in Gemini, in the Third House, or in aspect to Mercury can also symbolize a father figure who has been curious, fickle, or simply interested in words or skills. Alternatively, the father (or the “paternal line”) may have been engaged in mental pursuits or may have been the primary influence in the intellectual life of the individual, for better or for worse. It is, therefore, important to note the mental influence that the father may have exerted on the individual, especially in the first thirty years of life (i.e. before the first Saturn Return).
As the individual grows older, this influence may become more conscious, and the individual can thus have an opportunity to change his or her mental attitude regarding the importance of “education” or being recognized as someone “intelligent”. With Saturn in this configuration, the father could have related to his child first and foremost based on the child’s “mental capacity” rather than who the child is in his or her totality.
Therefore, the individual may later reproduce this attitude (which was inevitably received from father or father figure in the early years of life) as a low tolerance threshold for “stupidity” or “ignorance” in general. This may also incline the individual to show a biased respect for those with a solid formal education or intellectual achievements and to dismiss those who have not fulfilled such criteria, regardless of all other good qualities they may have.
An awareness of such a mental “bias” may help the individual balance his or her attitude in this regard, and not to “fall for” pure intellect in an individual who lacks other important qualities such as nobility of the soul, the kindness of the heart, or tolerance for difference.
Saturn in Sagittarius:
The structure of consciousness is formed around the notions of “expansion” and “freedom”. If Saturn is functioning in a healthy manner, consciousness will be structured based on a desire to go beyond the limits of one’s “known” existence. The diversity of perception would be the “default” context through which conscious life is understood. The conscious mind would tend to “expand” concepts and produce “ideological structures” which can then be relied on as “truth” or moral principles which can subsequently guide one’s conscious choices in life.
Difficulties of Saturn in Sagittarius:
If Saturn is not functioning comfortably, one may conceive his or her version of “truth” as the best possible version, and here lies the danger of “fanaticism” and ideological “extremism”. In this case, the conscious life of the individual may turn into a never-ending quest for converting others to the higher “truth” one has perceived and constructed one’s life in relation to. It is important, therefore, to be aware of the degree of distortion involved here: no matter how “truthful” one’s ideological or spiritual position may be, it can never contain the whole truth.
As beautifully expressed by the wisdom of the ancient Chinese oracle I Ching, any “truth” which excludes other versions of “truth” is only temporary, partial and passing (hexagram 15). An awareness of the limits of “truth” one may be able to perceive as a limited being trapped in the walls of space and time may be helpful in transcending the negative aspects of an uncomfortable Saturn in Sagittarius.
Saturn in Ninth House:
There may exist an initial attachment to one’s ideological, religious, racial or cultural affiliations which were inherited from one’s family of origin. Likewise, one may experience an initial degree of reluctance towards mingling with those displaying racial, sexual, religious or cultural diversity, or may simply feel “bound” to a certain lifestyle or ideology.
Alternatively, if Saturn is comfortable, one may become a “researcher” of religious, racial or political diversity, and develop a deep interest in identifying various ways of “being” on a social or cultural level. This may pave the way to a meaningful career as well, especially in the fields of ethics, theology, anthropology, philosophy, political science or sociology.
Difficulties of Saturn in Ninth House:
If Saturn is not comfortable here, one may experience a strong attachment to a particular ideology, religion or race, to the point of being unable to relate to others outside of those parameters. For example, especially when young, one may keep marrying within a certain race or religion (not necessarily one’s own), in order not to get out of one’s conceptual “comfort zone”.
This might be because of the “structure” that Saturn initially imposes on the experimental dimension of the Ninth House. In this case, the individual may literally lose the appetite for “adventure”, internally or externally, and try to maintain the status quo, no matter what.
Evolutionary Path of Saturn in Ninth House:
The evolutionary path for an individual with Saturn in the Ninth House seems to include a re-evaluation of his or her constantly-evolving perception of the world and then trying to adjust himself or herself accordingly, rather than dismissing his or her own shifts in perception in favor of sticking to a “static” picture of reality which does not challenge his or her old beliefs or pre-established judgments.
With this placement, hopefully as one grows older, one becomes less “stuck” and less afraid to challenge one’s own dogmas, opinions or principles. Individuals with this placement are usually capable of achieving a high degree of discernment with regards to philosophical and political dynamics, or can effortlessly understand highly-abstract arguments related to various schools of thought if they train their mind to see outside the box and be open to the many facets of “truth”.
Saturn in Aspect to Jupiter:
With the planet of “consciousness” in aspect to the planet of “expansion”, one’s conscious perception of the world will diversify over time. In other words, different layers of consciousness which would enable the person to “make sense” of his or her conscious experience may “grow” to include more possibilities towards understanding life as one becomes older.
As the concepts of “excellence” (Saturn) and “diversification” (Jupiter) are linked in the psyche of the individual, one may display a rather pronounced inclination towards an intellectual, religious or spiritual lifestyle which would offer various opportunities and ample freedom for traveling, research, learning and personal growth.
If Saturn is comfortable in this position, one may feel a constant conscious desire to become wiser than what one is, through exposing oneself to people and places outside of one’s familiar circles or circumstances.
Difficulties of Saturn in aspect to Jupiter:
If Saturn and Jupiter are not comfortable in association with each other, the individual may see an inherent incompatibility between “obligation” and “exploration”. In this case, one may feel inordinately “confined” by one’s responsibilities or commitments and may develop a rather harsh reaction towards anything which can remotely hinder the possibility of absolute freedom to expand and explore. Formal bonds or having children may also be perceived as a hindrance to one’s spiritual or intellectual growth.
The key to regulating these energies would be creating a balance between these seemingly opposing principles: to individually grow (Jupiter), yet to do so with full discipline and commitment to one’s own path (Saturn), and to honor one’s responsibilities in life, yet not to completely give up one’s spirit of adventure in favor of boring and predictable routines. “The more the merrier” should be a mantra in this case, as it indicates that the individual can include those who are part of his or her responsibilities in life (such as children) in the adventure as well.
“Father Complex” of Saturn in Association with Sagittarius, 9th House or Jupiter:
Saturn in Sagittarius, in the Ninth House, or in aspect to Jupiter can also symbolize a father figure who may have had an interest in the spiritual, philosophical, ideological or religious dimensions of life, or have had a desire to move away from his family responsibilities in favor of seeking his own individual path (be it a path of material indulgence, excessive behavior, or a unilateral devotion to the divine).
Alternatively, the father figure could simply have a profession which would reflect different aspects of Sagittarian archetype, such as being a religious figure, teacher, politician, attorney or judge, military or naval crew, pilot, tour guide, animal trainer, etc. Either case, it is highly possible that a large part of the individual’s general “outlook” on life was affected by the father (or “paternal line”), especially in the first thirty years of life (i.e. before the first Saturn Return).
As one grows older, however, one’s ideological conventions may change, and the individual may feel more comfortable in choosing an ideology or lifestyle which is more reflective of his or her own personal attitude, and more “meaningful” based on the particular growth stage he or she is at. Also, it is not uncommon for individuals with Saturn in association with Sagittarius, the Ninth House or Jupiter to connect from a more objective angle to their father as they mature, and thus become more accepting of his possible shortcomings regarding his parenting methods or (lack of) skills.
In the next post, I will address Saturn in the Fourth House, in Cancer, or in association with Moon, as well as the opposite polarity of Saturn in the Tenth House or in Capricorn.
*Please note that the above interpretations are oversimplified and can be modified by other factors present in each individual chart.
**For an introduction to Saturn, please read this article.
- For an edited and expanded version of this article and all other Saturn posts, or a Spanish edition, click here.
- If you are interested in understanding your birth chart or if you have specific questions, you can book a consultation or take a class.
The part on 3H resonates with me so hard but I don’t have any of these placements
Love your articles regarding Saturn in the 3rd and 4th. Saturn lies in the 3rd house in my own chart and you’re spot on about the desire for mental perfection…
Thank you for your feedback DeanJean! I’m happy you are enjoying my articles 🙂
I have mercury sextile saturn. Saturn in the ninth house and Jupiter in Sag in the ninth house. Your description of these aspects resonates. I have always loved ‘investigating’ different religions, i will not commit to one, as i want to leave the door open to study other philosophies.
Thanks for sharing that!