Jupiter in Aspect to Neptune

Jupiter Neptune Aspects
Jupiter in Aspect to Neptune: “Dream of Solomon” by Luca Giordano (1634-1705)

What does it mean to have Jupiter Square Neptune or Jupiter Trine Neptune in the natal chart?  In this post, I will address Jupiter Neptune Aspects: all the major “hard” and “soft” aspects will be discussed. Please note that these are baseline interpretations and may be modified according to the presence of other factors in the chart. You can also study Jupiter Signs, Jupiter Houses, Neptune Signs, and Neptune Houses discussed in other posts.

Jupiter Neptune: Conjunction

In Psychological Astrology, Neptune symbolizes our capacity to imagine, to dream, and to transcend. In its most elevated form, Neptune represents our link with what we call “God” or the Higher Power. Simultaneously, Neptune may represent the pain of being separated from the source and the desire to return to the source. It may thus stand for a profound degree of spiritual yearning and an impetus to “lose” oneself in order to allow something bigger and better than oneself to come through.

Neptune largely operates unconsciously and it may symbolize unresolved “knots” carried over in the spiritual body from past lives or early childhood, only to be partially revealed through hypnosis, regression work or dream analysis. Understanding the particular symbolism of Neptune in our birth chart may, therefore, help us channel this archetype in a healthier manner.

The conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune may indicate that the curtain separating the collective mind from the individual mind is rather thin. As the individual’s “higher mind” [Jupiter] is already in contact with the universal mind [Neptune], the psyche will be already “open” to channeling ideas, visions, and perceptions in order to directly impart them to the individual’s ideological depository. The individual is thus almost always in touch with this higher dimension of insight and can draw upon its many resources to enrich his or her experience of existence. As Emily Dickinson, the celebrated American poet, who had this configuration in her natal chart, aptly stated:

The brain is wider than the sky.

If this conjunction is under stress in the birth chart and psychologically unintegrated, the individual may have a difficult time differentiating the “imagination” from what is “real.” The fantasy life may take disproportionate dimensions, and the individual may start living in her fantasy world more than dealing with the actual context of her life.  The unconscious content of the psyche represented by an unintegrated Neptune, in this case, may, at times, “spill over” into the conscious realm, and “taint” the individual’s ability to rationally reason or act in a “sane” manner.

Edward Gein, the American murderer whose life inspired the horror movie The Silence of the Lambs (1991) had this conjunction in the Frist House in the Sign of Cancer in his natal chart, and apparently never learned how to channel this energy in a healthy fashion: after the death of his mother, he started killing various women in order to skin them, imagining that by wearing their skin he could literally “crawl into” the skin of her dead mother and become one with her.

Of course, there are many other complex signatures in Gein’s chart, and one has to also consider the possibility of genetically-inherited conditions and the environmental influences which cannot be “seen” in a natal chart, but in this particular case, one can surmise how the “all-encompassing” Neptunian archetype was affecting the individual’s ideology to the point of deluding him into believing that he could actually have a possibility of reuniting with his dead mother through killing others.

If this configuration is well-integrated in the psyche of the individual, however, the ideological structure may gain a poetic dimension. An appreciation of beauty, nuance, sounds, and colors may come naturally to the individual, which, in turn, will open the individual’s mind to higher forms of understanding: a mode of perception which cannot be written or spoken, yet has an undeviating quality, inviting one to develop a taste for divine pleasures. As Emily Dickinson beautifully stated:

The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.

Jupiter Neptune: Square

With this configuration in the natal chart, one’s personal philosophy or ideological orientation may be open to a wide range of collective influences, for better or for worse. Alternatively, the individual may have inherited a belief system which seems to promote the inadequacy of conventional morality and allow a large degree of flexibility in forming one’s own views, yet those very same inherited beliefs may subtly invite one to disregard the question of “morality” altogether or open oneself to a way of being in which having a belief system is simply “out of question.” As the American novelist Theodore Dreiser who had this configuration in his natal chart, brilliantly stated:

Nothing is proved; all is permitted.

This level of permissibility with regards to Jupiterian issues such as ethical behavior, personal principles or ideological orientation may not pose a problem in and of itself, yet it may indirectly affect one’s way of processing life experiences or one’s way of responding to various situations which may entail the application of moral or ideological criteria.

At its best, this energy exchange between Neptune and Jupiter can invite a consideration of the various circumstances involved in a situation rather than merely sticking to fixed principles or applying pre-determined ideological rules out of the context. At its worst, it can indicate suppression of personal ideology in the face of the collective, political or social forces and therefore resentment towards such systems.

In rare cases, if this energy is not psychologically integrated, the individual may seek some form of collective platform for launching his or her personal ideology, and may not see anything “wrong” with involving random bystanders in his or her schemes. Therefore, it is not surprising to occasionally see this configuration in the charts of terrorists, religious fanatics who have caused harm to others as a result of their beliefs, or those who have attempted to assassinate political or religious figures at one point.

If the energies represented by this square are relatively well-integrated in the psyche of the individual, however, she can perfectly detect the distinction between what is “imaginary” and what is “real.” This, in turn, will enable her to use these two realms in a creative manner. As the British poet and novelist Thomas Hardy, who had this configuration in his natal chart, wittingly stated:

There is a condition worse than blindness, and that is seeing something that isn’t there.

The individuals with this configuration in their natal chart, therefore, are advised to practice working with the realm of the “imaginary” in a tangible form (by writing, painting, sewing, making artifacts, etc.) in order to channel the cerebral energies indicated in this configuration in a healthy and constructive manner. Another possibility for an individual with this configuration in his or her natal chart is getting involved in politics, social work or any other topic which is somehow related to the collective welfare, and assuming a supportive role, rather than suppressing one’s own ideological need to interact with the collective: quite a number of politicians and social reformers have this configuration in their natal chart as well.

Jupiter Neptune: Opposition

With this configuration in the natal chart, one’s belief system may have been formed around a core projection or illusion, for better or for worse. In some cases, the individual’s life philosophy may reflect an absolute dedication to a higher ideal, and in other cases, one’s philosophical or religious outlook may simply contain elements which cannot be rationally processed, i.e. the individual may have acquired her core beliefs through premonitions, signs, and omens or a direct contact with the source through dreams or dream-like states.

If the energies symbolized by this opposition are well-integrated in the psyche of the individual, she will live a life which is guided by a healthy degree of intuition, an openness to “messages” coming from the higher realms, and a desire to transcend the boundaries of the mundane through spiritual practices.

If left unintegrated in the psyche of the individual, however, Neptune in this configuration may hint at a wide range of escapist behavior, which includes (but is not limited to) the following:

Various types of addictions which are meant to soothe the soul, yet end up capturing and corrupting the soul; memory lapses which are among one of the most common defense mechanisms designed by the psyche to protect us from having to consciously deal with distressing recollections; highly idealistic or irrational expectations which distract us from dealing with varying degrees of discomfort or pettiness present in the mundane life; denial and projection which are supposed to navigate us away from the pain involved in real life or in the miserable aspects of human condition in general, and finally, falling into “victim/savior” dynamics, which will be a certain way to “escape” from taking the full responsibility for our growth and change.

As is the case with any opposition, the ability to hold and contain both sides of an equation within one’s consciousness will give rise to an enormous amount of regenerative power, which can be then channeled through arts or any other creative endeavor. In this case, the ability to simultaneously engage the faculty of reasoning and the faculty of intuition will be the ultimate key to working with the best of both energies represented in this opposition in the natal chart.

From an evolutionary point of view, individuals with this placement in their natal chart should develop an appreciation for what is “unspoken” or “unthinkable,” for what is not to be put into words or done by hands, yet only to be imagined. In this case, one has to understand that the highest form of contribution to the cosmos is the simple act of imagination: sitting quietly and imagining worlds which are better, richer, and in harmony with the flow of life, for ourselves and for others. As such, the collective waters of Neptune will be properly channeled as the powerful, pure force giving rise to many forms of experience yet to come: the experiences which may never present themselves to the field of human perception if not already “imagined” by an individual soul.

Jupiter Neptune: Quincunx

One’s particular life philosophy or chosen ideology may have been formed as a reaction against either the conventional or the unconventional forms of knowledge, excluding the role of intuition and non-verbal communication, or on the contrary, relying too much on intuition and non-verbal communication. Alternatively, one’s fundamental way of being or manner of perceiving the world may have been misunderstood or dismissed by the collective forces.

In some cases, this configuration in the natal chart symbolizes the possibility of a fundamental discord between one’s mode of spirituality and the prevalent modes of spirituality practiced by the collective during one’s lifetime. In other cases, the individual may simply have access to an inimitable source of imagination which is not yet “perceptible” within the field of collective consciousness pertaining to one’s time and place.

If the energies present in this configuration are properly harnessed, the individual can create a “brave new world” in any field which interests her by applying her unique style of imagination or working towards her personal dreams. As Langston Hughes, the American poet who was one of the most important participants in the Harlem Renaissance and had this configuration in his natal chart, famously stated:

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Jupiter Neptune: Semi-Sextile

One’s particular mode of spirituality or psychological link to the cosmos may be polarized from one’s ideological tendencies or belief system. Alternatively, one’s personal philosophy may have been affected by an experience of loss, disappointment or disillusionment at one point in life. In this case, if the energies symbolized by Jupiter and Neptune are relatively well-integrated, one may be able to find a “meaning” in such unsettling experiences or even find a creative outlet for them.

Otherwise, if Neptune and Jupiter are not well-integrated in the psyche of the individual, she may find it difficult to come to terms with her spiritual “imperfections” and may thus experience a high degree of tension between what her heart wants to follow and what her mind tells her to believe. Allowing enough time and space for silence, and letting the spiritual or ideological processes unravel naturally rather than forcing them to follow a certain course can help the individual work through such possible dilemmas.

Jupiter Neptune: Trine

With this configuration in the natal chart, there usually exists a psychological cooperation between the distinct spheres of “ideology” and “spirituality.” Statements such as “beauty is my religion” or “what you seek is seeking you” perfectly reflect how these two archetypes may interact through this aspect.

If this configuration is well-integrated in the psyche of the individual, the gap between that which heart believes and that which mind sanctions will be minimal. In this case, the individual will be usually more prone to what is normally categorized as “mystical experiences” or may develop a pantheistic view of existence, which would allow her to understand herself not as a separate unit randomly floating around, but as a meaningful element with a divine purpose, fully participating in the process of creation.

If Jupiter and Neptune are not psychologically well-integrated, however, one may never learn to distinguish between intuitive perception and perception coming from a reliance on evidence or logical processes. In this case, one may display a degree of “naiveté” regarding belief systems or spiritual practices, or one may simply adhere to a doctrine which is not intellectually rigorous enough to be objectively examined.

Either case, the harmonious energy flow between Neptune and Jupiter symbolizes an opportunity to be in touch with the heart of cosmos and to yearn for what is truly “eternal” and “beautiful.” As the 13th-century Persian mystic and poet, Rumi, who had this configuration in his natal chart, exquisitely expressed:

Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing
and right-doing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.

Jupiter Neptune: Sextile

With this configuration in the natal chart, one is often encountered with opportunities to tap into the collective unconscious and get inspired by what is beyond the rational mindset.

Alternatively, one’s parents, friends or siblings may have displayed Neptunian characteristics, such as being artistic, spiritual, addicts or victims. In some cases, the individual’s conscious perception of life may have been affected by the ideological input coming from these figures, for better or for worse.

If the archetypal energies of Neptune and Jupiter are relatively well-integrated in the psyche, one may have the ability to “merge” the intuitive messages coming from the collective with the logical process of the mind in order to create something new which can benefit all.

If Neptune and Jupiter are not psychologically well-integrated, however, the individual may let delusions reign over logic, get involved in collective affairs which will ultimately prove to be harmful, or simply lose sight of the ideological context of his or her time and space in favor of pursuing ideas which cannot bear fruits in reality.

In the next post, I will address Jupiter in Aspect to Pluto in the Birth Chart.

  • For an edited version of this article and all other Jupiter posts, or for a Spanish edition, click here.
  • If you are interested in understanding your own birth chart or if you have specific questions, you can book a consultation or take a class.

6 Replies to “Jupiter in Aspect to Neptune”

  1. i have the conjunction between jupiter and neptune 5H in sagittarius. they are both trine venus 9H and trine my leo ascendant and opposite saturn 10H taurus. i do have an affinity for saturn in this context as the energy lays down a pathway to manifest and concretize the fluidity of my imagination. it’s actually quite amazing, especially having somewhat of an understanding of the ability to manipulate the energy and not being the sole creator of the energy. it flows through me, it is not because of me, it is very grounding in a very flighty sort of way. very nice article.

  2. so valuable, I’m delighted to find your blog 🙂
    when you mentioned rumi, my heart woke up or exploded, i have the same placement and feel such a deep deep connection to him
    thank you for all this precious information ♥

    1. Aw, thank you, Victoria! Rumi is one of my favorites, and well, being Iranian myself, I was exposed to his work and wisdom early on.
      I am happy that you liked my reference to him 🙂

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